The Art of Mastering Wellness
The Best Foods to Add to Your Diet to Help Overcome Anxiety Disorders
All people get anxious now and then as they go on with their lives. Anxiety becomes a disorder if it exceeds the average levels making a person develop other problems such as lack of sleep. The problem with treating anxiety disorders with drugs is that the solution is only temporary meaning that the patient is forced to be getting anxiety prescription now and then. If you are suffering from anxiety disorder you should know the natural foodstuffs that you can add to your regular diet to make you get better soon. Some of the foodstuff that anxiety disorder patients should consume regularly are.
Avocados are very nutritional especially to anxiety disorder patients. This is because avocados are lower in cholesterol hence provide the body is natural and healthy fats. One of the effects of anxiety disorder is having high blood pressure. Therefore anxiety disorder patients should make avocado one of their favorite fruits.
Anxiety disorder causes a person to have a hard time digesting food which results in constipation. If you add turmeric to your regular diet, you will overcome this problem. Turmeric acts as a catalyst during the digestion process making all foodstuff you consumed to be broken down properly. Hence long term consumption of turmeric eradicates all the digestive system problems caused by having extreme levels of stress.
Most people will recommend you drink chamomile tea when you are feeling depressed. Chamomile tea stimulate the body to release hormones that make a person feel much more relaxed. Therefore if you are feeling stressed up you should prepare a cup of chamomile tea. Thus you will be able to tackle the day’s challenges with minimal stress.
You can be able to recreate that happy feeling of Thanksgiving without having to invite friends or relatives to your house. However you should know that eating turkey is also attributed to making a person feel happier. Therefore you should consider consuming turkey on a regular basis as the meat has serotonins components. Hence by eating turkey meat regularly, you will get to recreate the happy moods of thanksgiving on a regular basis.
Maybe you heard that oyster are very nutritional but do not know any ailment they help to treat. If you want to have a very sharp mind then you should consider consuming oysters regularly. This is important as most of the fears causing anxiety disorders are irrational hence if your brain becomes strong you overcome this fears.
Many people eat chocolate when feeling low to lift their moods. Therefore if you suffer from anxiety disorder consider adding dark chocolate to your diet.