Annual Winter Classic From D-Backs and University of Phoenix Returns Holiday Cheer to Arizona Children

Photo by Megan Ellis on Unsplash

Although the event was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Winter Classic returned to the Diamondbacks’ stadium for December 2021. The event represents a partnership between the team and University of Phoenix and brings holiday delight and hope to hundreds of local Arizona school children.

“The Winter Classic is one of our premier giving events taking place here with the kids,” said Derrick Hall, Diamondbacks president and CEO in a video recap from the December 10 event. “Last year we had to skip it because of the virus,” he said, adding that this year they spread the event over three days, inviting one school to participate at a time in order to hold the event safely. “We had to pivot,” said Hall, “but it’s only because we love this event so much, we care about these kids, we want them … Read More

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Setting up a healthy eating pattern for children is important. It enhances their biological functions which help them to sleep better, study and stay active for other extracurricular activities in school.

It can be difficult to teach children to eat healthily. You wouldn’t want to give them more information than they will understand. But give them the time they will adapt, but in the meantime, they will develop bad habits.

Top 10 Foods for Health | Patient Education | UCSF Health

Parents can get the message going by talking to children about their food, why it’s important, and how they can make the healthiest choices. On, there are lots of reviews on various nutritionists who offer nutrition consultation online.

Below are 4 effective ways to educate children about healthy eating:

1.  Show them where healthy food comes from

Take an excursion to farmers’ markets or a cattle ranch to socialize with farmers who are growing nutritious food. You … Read More

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