A few ways how progressive learning is helping students to form their future

The philosophy of progressive education embraces the need for teaching students how to think instead of what to think. Learning things by doing it is what characterizes this style of teaching. By taking advantage of hands-on experience, students learn the intricacies of subjects. Many advocates of progressive education think that experiential learning enhances the skills of disciples. By engaging in activities that require students to put their knowledge to use, it gives them a better understanding of the subject. The approach provides more value to learning rather than rote memorization.

Experiential learning based progressive education is the best way to help students experience the real-world issues. The modern workplace of this age needs teamwork, creative and critical reasoning and most importantly the ability to work independently. By incorporating experiential learning in education, educators can develop these traits in the students.

Attending to the whole child: Through progressive education, educators help children turn into good citizens rather just good listeners. Schools are not just for academics but for overall growth. Just mathematical or verbal proficiencies don’t limit their intellectual growth.

Community:  Learning is a collective process that happens in and around a community. In progressive learning, there is an equal emphasis on interdependency as well as self-dependency. Since the practice of putting students in a test undermines the sense of community, progressive learning avoids it.

Collaboration: A progressive school Vancouver has a ‘working with’ approach rather ‘doing to.’ This form of teaching is more emphasized on collaborative problem solving and less focused on behaviors, reasons or motives.

Social justice: Progressive education inculcates the sense of community and commitment to the diversity. Through this approach of learning, students are given the opportunity to learn about the society and diversity and how to preserve it.

Developing understanding: As the philosopher, Alfred North Whitehead put, “A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God’s earth.” Facts and information matter but only with context and purpose.

Rather revolving the learning around facts, skills, and information, progressive education is organized around problems, questions, and assignments. The teaching method is integrated and doesn’t rely on memorization of concepts. It is more focused on tasks that require critical thinking. The point of these assignments is not to challenge students instead help them to think deeply about any issue. It encourages outside the box ideas and creativity.

Active learning: In a typical progressive private school Vancouver, students play a pivotal role in formulating the curriculum. Students’ active participation in the process of learning ensures that they construct ideas rather than passively absorb the information or skills.

Taking kids seriously: While in a traditional schooling system, a student is required to adjust to the rules and regulations of the school, on the other hand, in progressive education, more attention is given on needs and interests of the students. Since each child is unique with unique abilities, using the same set of rules, policies and assignments can turn out to be ineffective and unproductive.

Intrinsic motivation: Progressive teaching is more focused on helping promote long-term learning temperament rather than short term-skills in students. Conventional homework, test, and assessments don’t justify this motive.